Monday, January 7, 2019

 Hunger he has only available Food is bread and vegetable , for wearing he has only available Clothing is trousers and shirt and for Dwelling he can only have a hut .
Basically in world A man has only three basic needs satiation of hunger , wearing of clothe and to dwell . Wherein world B man has various items of Food , Clothing and house .
Now a man starts expending his 100 rs in both the world separately.
He has to spend 50 rs in Food 30 rs in Clothing and 20 rs in Dwelling as minimum requirement .
Now in world A he expends 50 rs in bread and vegetable for his Food requirement and he gets 50 unit satisfaction , he expends in trousers and shirt and he gets 30 unit satisfaction for his Clothing requirement . He spends 20 rs in hut and he gets 20 unit satisfaction for his Dwelling requirement this expenditure gives him total satisfaction 50 +30+20= 100 unit satisfaction .
Now in world B if he starts expending his 100 ₹ and he goes to buy Food he has multiple items to fulfill his desire . He sees bread and vegetable , chicken and bread , mutton and bread with different prices with minimum price of bread and vegetable at 50 ₹ . He buys bread and butter and gets 50 unit of satisfaction but at the same time he experiences X unit dissatisfaction as he could not buy other available Food items such as bread with chicken or bread with mutton so his total satisfaction is
50- X unit dissatisfaction .
so he experiences less satisfaction .
In the same manner he experiences less satisfaction in buying trousers and shirt in world B as he feels dissatisfaction for not buying jeans and shirt or other available more expensive Clothing . Let's assume that he experiences Y unit of dissatisfaction . So for need of Clothing his total satisfaction in world B is
30- Y unit of dissatisfaction.
In the same manner after expenditure in Dwelling he gets 20 unit of satisfaction and Z unit of dissatisfaction and bring for him total satisfaction
20- Z unit dissatisfaction .
We can see after expending same amount of 100 ₹ a person gets higher satisfaction in world A with limited desire than world B with unlimited desires .
It proves famos Indian ideom " संतोष में हीं परम सुख है " right
It also proves Buddhism - "मध्यम प्रतिपदा" ( middle way) as the rightest way of living for maximum satisfaction

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